Blunderbuzzateen.. lonely



Raised in quiet.. voice deny it.. eggshell walks and more.. always told.. command to scold.. adults the only score.. down around teen think town.. experiment to learn.. such a lovely.. lonely child.. the love for which she yearns..

Pleasing this.. do not say that.. your thong bespeaks a whore.. friends from school.. the beach.. a pool.. say.. ‘groovy let’s see more’.. teens this time.. thousand years gone.. in laughter.. tears they cry.. should not find purpose in family love that is denied..  

All you ‘perfect parents’ first time for you as well.. how you judge in your old grudges.. as child lives your hell.. blind by pride to deceive.. float naked in glass.. never true.. to laugh.. to grieve.. your lie will come to pass..

Through a child.. so pretty wild.. you seek to protect.. smother sisters brothers.. your injured past you will project.. pretense pretense.. loud and cry.. claim a victim right.. your day will leave you hapless.. finding faith in restless nights..

Wish I could take you places truth won’t threaten so.. like to help you.. be a friend.. just to let you know.. what you want in real thought.. dreamed and thought in bed..  truth will never serve a lie.. once seen and known in head..

What is real is beautiful.. what is seen and real.. what is you.. you for true.. how and what you feel.. a road called honor.. goes to ‘Accomplish Way’.. one step toward a true life.. taken makes a better day..

As with sickness.. as with health.. those of us who learn.. know of honor.. need in life.. I say at every turn ..  

You with problems unaddresed.. hide a joy in heart.. leave me while I work.. create and play my art..  

Your pretense will not serve you.. a liar’s role just tells.. as you travel naked.. in your greed and smell..  

Little child you are alone.. until you tell the world.. you will steal and lie.. till someone brings to reckon girl..  

As with criminal in pride.. protection from a son.. I address each lie implied.. truth my only gun..

Thought.. ‘It is tragic.. and embarrassing.. when one will protect the nothing of a lie.. with pretense and denial..

Affecting my ability to work.. my theory and concept that finds and credentials what has become.. and is growing into what IS.. in every profession.. how much reality we create?.. how much created?..

To make another reckon with their greed and progeny’s behavior in very provable facts.. over the years..

I must undress a lie..

I am loathe to go to third parties for help.. thus allowing interruption from criminal inexperience and false pride to set stage for a time-consuming distracting legal action..

I have no choice..

I will never accept another lie.. nor will I make the mistake of trusting a thief  or liar not to steal..

I must take action that would be unnecessary in true life.. much as I like cartoons I do not want to live that way..

I make it public so folks can learn.. understand the valuable necessity of private property.. truth and respect of what belongs to another.. 

Peace Tony


About cryinforthedyin

I write philosophy and poetry. I postulate solutions for problems..I find similiar things in history to compare to present day, hoping to find a solution to the seemingly difficult task of giving and receiving love. I play music. Blues harp, piano, guitar, electric and acoustic. I sing..I love to sing..Peace Tony
This entry was posted in ACLU, Amnesty International, ASCAP (American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers, California, City Life, Dance, Freedom, Greed, Human Behavior, Human Rights, New York, On Line Writing, Peace on Earth, Psychology, Song Writers Guild of America and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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